It has been a year since I took my career in the film industry seriously. I picked up a camera with only photography as a solid skill set and headed out to shoot my first film. Frame rates, bit rates, aspect ratios were all just words to me. My passion for storytelling was my foundation and the rest would come. With two projects under my belt, a mountain of mistakes made, I have learnt so much. It seems a cliché to say that the best way to learn is by going out and doing it. It is true. I have met many wonderful people that have become important mentors in this journey, and one day I will mentor many others. 

This blog is to share the journey of Breakin Form and the honour I have had with the characters I have had the pleasure to work with. 

With the films that we produce and commercial work we create, here at Breakin Form, story is at the core. 

I take pleasure in sharing the processes of what we do and the general musings that inspire us. 

Here is to a fruitful beginnings… Let’s bring it on. 

Leila x